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To ensure new houses are of high-quality design, in keeping with the established character of the area, and built to BREEAM standards
The mix of housing in any new development should be designed to meet the needs of the existing and future community
To provide affordable market homes and smaller houses/flats suited to those wishing to downsize, to secure their first home, or to live in the neighbourhood area due to local connections.
New development, where applicable, should meet the following density requirements.
- i. The density of development proposals should be consistent with the character, appearance and the topography of their immediate locality and the delivery of high-quality designs.
- ii. Within the built-up area boundary, development must be of a density appropriate for; and in keeping with; the setting of the immediate surrounding area.
- iii. New residential developments that propose a site density greater than the immediate surrounding area will generally be refused unless clear justification can be provided to support the need for a higher density development and how effectively the design integrates into the surrounding built form or landscape
- iv. All housing proposals of five or more units must deliver at least 40% of these units as one- or two- bed properties.
- v. Where this policy results in a need to deliver at least 7 no. one- and two-bed properties, a minimum of 30% of these units should be one-bed properties.
- vi. An alternative dwelling mix will only be permitted where evidence is brought forward with an application which clearly demonstrates the need for a different mix.
- vii. At least 25% of dwellings should meet BREEAM standards or its equivalent