To allocate a site for future development in Shepton Mallet to meet the identified needs of the community including the provision of affordable homes
i. New development in Shepton Mallet shall be focused within the settlement boundary with the exception of the site allocated (SHEP092) in Policy 2 as identified on the Proposals map.
ii. The Neighbourhood Plan provides for a minimum of 150 dwellings to be built in the period 2016 to 2036 and the following site is allocated for development:
• SHEP092 Land West of Cannards Grave
iii. Development proposals outside the settlement boundary and the site allocation will not be permitted unless:
• they represent appropriate uses in the countryside, such as agriculture, forestry, horticulture, fishing and equestrian activities, and energy generation;
• they relate to the retention of existing and appropriate provision of new commercial businesses and meet the requirements of other policies in this Plan;
• they relate to necessary utilities infrastructure and where no reasonable alternative location is available.
Iv. Development on the site allocation in Policy 2 will be expected to address the following key matters: • the provision of new housing which addresses evidence-based needs;
• the provision of key infrastructure including education, health, transport and movement, community facilities, utilities and public realm improvements, through direct provision and/or developer contributions (including Community Infrastructure Levy and/or Section 106) as directed in the relevant policies;
• design high quality buildings, guided by the Shepton Mallet Neighbourhood Plan Design Guide Appendix, and deliver them in layouts with high quality natural landscaping in order to retain the rural character and physical structure of Shepton Mallet, conserving, and where possible, enhancing the historic environment.
iv. Additional development which would result in Shepton Mallet growing by significantly more than the minimum number of dwellings required by the Mendip Local Plan plus the allocation in Policy 2, over this period, will not be supported.
v. Given the sensitivity of the Somerset Levels and Moors Ramsar to elevated phosphorus loading and resulting eutrophication, all residential developments contributing to the total wastewater burden in the Neighbourhood Plan area must demonstrate phosphorus neutrality. Developments with an identified phosphorus surplus, will be required to provide appropriate mitigation measures (e.g., wetlands, reedbeds) in agreement with the Local Planning Authority and Natural England. The requirement for mitigation will be commensurate with the scale of development and might be achieved strategically, particularly in the case of smaller developments.’