To ensure new development is sustainable and helps to protect the distinctiveness, character, and historic assets of Shepton Mallet, which also does not harm the conservation area 

Ensure any infill development in Cowl Street and Hillmead area is of high quality and sympathetic to its surroundings 

Preserve the historic core of the town 

To have a thriving community which maintains its heritage assets and green areas as a haven for wildlife 

  1. All types of development proposals are expected to contribute towards the local distinctiveness of the Shepton Mallet Neighbourhood Plan Area, its overall rural setting and its heritage. They should demonstrate high quality, sustainable and inclusive design and architecture that respects the Conservation Area, (as shown on the Proposals Map) or the surrounding area if located outside or away from the Conservation Area. Proposals should address the following criteria: 
    • The importance of responding creatively to, and enhancing, the setting of the surrounding area, having regard to the character of adjacent buildings and spaces, including scale, orientation, height and massing. 
    • High quality materials should be used that contribute positively to the surrounding area if outside it and respect the local setting.
    • Retention of traditional heritage features eg metal railings. 
    • Colour schemes of buildings should be in keeping with those in the surrounding area. 
    • Ensure that designated heritage assets and their settings are preserved and where possible, enhanced. 
    • Archaeological investigations are undertaken prior to development if there is a reasonable likelihood of archaeological remains being found on or adjacent to the site 
  2. Appendix “Shepton Mallet Design Guide,” identifies the buildings and structures which are locally important heritage assets and must be preserved 
  3. These heritage assets and character areas must be considered in determining an application in order to avoid or minimise conflict between the conservation of these areas and assets and any aspect of the proposal 
  4. All new development proposals – including those that relate to the site allocation in Policy Two SHEP092 – are required to demonstrate good place-making principles in their design and layout. 
  5. Good design should provide sufficient external amenity space for refuse and recycling storage, and car and bicycle parking to ensure a high quality and well managed streetscape. In particular, dedicated off-street parking provision for residential properties should preferably be provided without the loss of existing front gardens. 
  6. Development that seeks to meet the highest possible standards of construction Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) standards or equivalent will be strongly supported. 
  7. Layouts must retain important trees and hedgerows. The planting of new trees and shrubs of similar species to those already evident in the immediate surroundings shall be encouraged. 
  8. Applications will be required to demonstrate how accessibility issues have been incorporated into design.