Approach to Sustainable Development

Shepton Mallet is designated in the Mendip District Local Plan as one of the five principal settlements. As such, staged development within Shepton Mallet will be supported, not least as this will help the settlement to continue to provide for the services and facilities required by a growing community.

In addition to the objectives set out above, the plan and its policies have also been developed with the following principles in mind. It is recommended that developers and applicants consider, where relevant, the following overarching principles of development when preparing and submitting planning applications within the neighbourhood area.

  1. Early consultation with the Town Council and other community organisations is highly recommended, especially where the scheme is for more than a single dwelling or involves the use of a previously developed site. The town council wish to be informed about development in neighbouring areas outside the plan area, which may have an impact on residents in the neighbourhood area.
  2. Where possible, applications which support the ongoing activities of social housing providers will be supported and encouraged, and applications should consider these opportunities at an early stage of preparing their planning application.
  3. In considering the development or redevelopment of sites, applicants should be mindful to not overdevelop a site, in terms of delivering a scale or density of development which would be incongruous with its immediate neighbours and preserving local amenity.

Wherever possible, contributions for open space, highways and transportation and social housing should be spent locally, unless there are no viable options to do so locally.

Planning applications which accord with the policies in the plan will be approved unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Planning permission will also be granted where relevant policies in the neighbourhood development plan are out of date or silent unless:

  1. Other relevant policies in the development plans for Mendip indicate otherwise.
  2. Any adverse impacts of the proposal would significantly and demonstrably outweigh its benefits when assessed against the policies in the NPPF taken as a whole.
  3. Or specific policies in the framework or other material considerations indicate that development should be restricted.

Shepton Mallet Town Council will take a positive approach to its consideration of development. The council and the local planning authorities will seek to work with applicants and other stakeholders to encourage the formulation of development proposals that can be approved

This policy incorporates the key principle from the NPPF into the Plan. Where planning applications are to be considered against the policies of this plan then this policy will underpin the approach the council and local planning authorities will adopt in delivering sustainable development in the neighbourhood area.