Policies & Objectives Matrix

The table below sets out which of the Neighbourhood Plan’s objectives will be supported by which of the plan’s policies. There is some crossover between the objectives and the specific themed policy areas:

 Objective Ref Objective Policy Ref
1 To allocate a site for future development in Shepton Mallet to meet the identified needs of the community including the provision of affordable homes 1/2 
To ensure new development is sustainable and helps to protect the distinctiveness, character and historic assets of Shepton Mallet, which also does not harm the conservation area  3
3 To ensure new houses are of high-quality design, in keeping with the established character of the area, and built to BREAM standards 1/2/3/4 
 4 The mix of housing in any new development should be designed to meet the needs of the existing and future community and be built to Lifetime Home Standards  4
 5 To provide affordable market homes and smaller houses/flats suited to those wishing to downsize, to secure their first home, or to live in the neighbourhood area due to local connections. 4
 6 To concentrate development within, or immediately adjacent to, existing settlement boundaries. 5 
To maintain the conservation area 6
To utilise suitable brownfield sites within the settlement boundary for re-development
9 To provide appropriate levels of parking within new developments to ensure on road parking is minimised 8
 10 Ensure any infill development in Cowl Street and Hillmead area is of high quality and sympathetic to its surroundings


11 To ensure sufficient ingress and egress to and from any new developments to minimise detrimental effects of increases to vehicle usage
12 To encourage walking and cycling by improving local transport links and public right of way routes within the neighbourhood area and to adjacent parishes, including green lanes to provide for safer travel and healthier lifestyles 10 
13 Improve cycle routes in the town and connect to the Strawberry Line 10 
14  To improve the traffic management within the Town Centre to make it a more pleasant place for residents and visitors  Asp
15  Help reduce carbon emissions by encouraging the use of public transport with improved services and facilities  11


Provide adequate parking facilities are available for vehicles and cycles within residential developments  10
17 Provide for and enhance existing facilities, and support initiatives to attract visitors and tourists to the town, in particular the built heritage   12 
18 Retain existing employment land, and encourage new employment opportunities within the town to support the growing population   13 
19 Protect existing employment premises from change of use or redevelopment where the existing businesses are of demonstrable benefit to the community, and encourage new independent businesses  14
20 Preserve the historic core of the town  3/12
21 To have a thriving community which maintains its heritage assets and green areas as a haven for wildlife 3/6 
22 To allocate areas which are of importance to the community as Local Green Space 15 
23 To preserve important views within the neighbourhood area 16
24 To preserve the views from the hills surrounding the town 16
25 Support proposals that result in the retention of natural habitats, for example protecting/creating new green spaces in new housing developments 17
26 Ensure the provision of appropriate and adequate health services to meet the needs of a growing and ageing population, including pandemic readiness 18 
27 Existing parks, play areas, playing fields and open spaces should be retained and additional open space areas provided 15
28 Provide space for the provision of community leisure facilities 19/20