This section of the plan explores the topic areas to be covered in the Neighbourhood Plan in more detail. Each section identifies relevant policies and evidence at the national, regional, and local level, as well as a summary of Shepton resident’s views collated to date.

Evidence is drawn from a series of sources including: •The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) first published in March 2012 and revised in July 2018, updated February 2019 and July 2021.

  • The NPPF sets out the planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied in order to achieve sustainable development.
  • The Local Plan for Mendip Part I & II •The Local Plan Part I: Strategy and Policies was formally adopted by the Council on 15th December 2014. It sets out the current situation for the district, as well as some overarching strategic objectives for the future.
  • The Mendip Local Plan Part II: Sites and Policies was adopted December 2021.
  • The Local Plan Part I now forms part of the Development Plan for the District and will be used in the determination of all planning applications submitted to the Council alongside policies in the Somerset Waste Core Strategy (to 2028) which addresses waste management including recycling and the Somerset Minerals Plan (to 2030).

Sustainability Appraisal Local Plan Part I

  • The purpose of the Sustainability Appraisal is to assess the environmental, social, and economic effects of approaches in order to help decide what the most appropriate policies will be. •
  • The Infrastructure and Development Plan (May 2020) proposes 1,543 new homes over the period of the Local Plan (2006-2029) for Shepton Mallet.
  • The pre-submission draft Infrastructure Plan allocates an additional 170 houses to this. Of this number, there were still just over 700 remaining to be built as of Autumn 2017 (the latest available figures).
  • Around 740 dwellings are required to 2029 which equates to around 50 dwellings per year. Local Plan Core Policy 9 identifies land to the south of Shepton Mallet at Cannards Grave as the main strategic greenfield development area which will deliver around 600 new homes. This location would also support development beyond 2029 and could eventually accommodate 1000 or more homes. As part of a major comprehensive development, this site would be expected to provide a new primary school and will need to put in place a sustainable drainage system to address the known concerns around surface water drainage.
  • In terms of employment land, the regeneration proposals for the Bath and West Showground, 5 km south of Shepton Mallet, will include a substantial area for employment development (10 ha).
  • Discussions with infrastructure providers have confirmed that the level of growth and development proposals are acceptable in principle. There are a number of infrastructure issues to be addressed. These include provision of a new primary school and investment in sewage treatment and sustainable urban drainage for surface water. An early review of primary health provision by the NHS may also be needed.