List of Appendices
Note: Some appendices are awating completion before submission.
Regulation 14 Plan: Shepton Mallet Regulation 14 Pre-Submission Draft
Executive Summary: The Executive Summary sent to all households and businesses in area
Appendix 1: Local Green Spaces
Appendix 1(a): Revised Proposed Local Green Spaces post consultation (June 2024)
Appendix 2: Community Aspirations
Appendix 3: Demographic Data (Now included in the main report)
Appendix 4: Shepton Mallet Design Guide post consultation (June 2024)
Appendix 5: Strategic Environmental Assessment
Appendix 6: Habitats Regulation Assessment
Appendix 7: Transport Report by HTP Consulting
Appendix 8: An Archaeological Assessment of Shepton Mallet
Appendix 9: Strategic Housing Market Assessment Oct 2016
Draft Reg 16