Reasoned Justification for Policy Thirteen

134 In September 2020, new Use Classes were introduced which has enabled a wider range of use changes within each of these classes. This means that generally, planning permission is not needed when the existing and proposed uses fall within the same Use Class, including E, F1 and F2. However, where there are limits on the size of the proposed change of use, there will be a requirement to apply for planning permission. Policy Fourteen is intended to apply in these circumstances. 

135 Much of the daily activity revolves around the town centre and retail outlets. This is mainly due to the variety of retail outlets that provide a range of shopping needs. Currently the retail outlets are concentrated on Haskins Retail Park, Townsend Shopping Park and Kilver Court. 

136 The Town Centre does not boast any of the usual chain stores, however it’s non-traditional, independent range of shops and cafes are key to the sense of history and charm enjoyed by the community.

Screenshot 2023 01 14 at 16.06.19The Fairy Godmother & Sweet Shops
The High Street
  Screenshot 2023 01 14 at 16.06.27The Art Bank Cafe
The High Street


137 The town centre has a number of cafes offering different experiences, upcycling and interior design shops, and independents which offer specialist products from sweets to vintage clothing.

138 These independent shops are recent additions to the town centre and made significant contributions to the revitalisation of the town centre 

139 In order to maintain the activity in the town centre, it is considered essential to keep the diversity of retail outlets and not allow empty shops to be taken over as offices etc., without allowing time for them to be relet as a shop has already been proven. 

140 The Town Council have plans to invest in enhancements to the town centre and it is therefore important to support this initiative by ensuring the town is a place where independent businesses can grow and thrive. 

141 In addition, Mendip District Council Local Plan Policy DP17 is clear that its intention is to safeguard Community Facilities, and Policy Fourteen builds on this to create a local context. 

 Town SquareTown Square    Lower High StreetLower High Street