OBJECTIVE 17 Provide for and enhance existing facilities and support initiatives to attract visitors and tourists to the town OBJECTIVE 20 Preserve the historic core of the town

i. Proposals for the redevelopment or refurbishment of the town centre will be strongly supported provided:

  1. They are consistent with a comprehensive re-generation plan for the whole town
  2. Building uses and layout have regard to the general design principles set out in Policy Three and are designed to provide positive enclosure and oversight of the public realm with active frontages which contribute to the vibrancy of the area

ii. Proposals being put forward need to be consistent with the guidance set out in Appendix (Shepton Mallet Neighbourhood Plan Design Guide)

iii. Development proposals that provide for the following will be supported:

  1. Clear pedestrian routes
  2. A greater range of shop units
  3. An attractive pedestrian environment
  4. Shopfront improvements

iv. Alternative town centre uses will be supported where it can be demonstrated with compelling evidence that they support the vitality of the town centre and are justified to ensure the viable re-development of the site.