It is a strategic objective of the Mendip Local Plan (part I) to diversify and strengthen the economy of Shepton Mallet through the delivery of suitable employment land and premises. The intention is to promote a better balance of jobs and economically active people by providing a mixture of modern and flexible employment premises with an emphasis on supporting existing employment premises.
As part of this vision, it is important to maintain and enhance town centres to make them attractive places to visit at any time of the day to make them first choice destinations for both shopping, café culture and night life Shepton Mallet is in a central location within the Mendip District with considerable heritage and character. It has a high level of jobs compared to the working population and development of the Bath and West Showground will provide further employment opportunities
However, the town image is poor with an extremely limited retail offer and high vacancy rates in the heart of the town centre. The policies in this section of the Plan are intended to address these issues and achieve the vision of creating Shepton Mallet as a revitalised market town with a vibrant shopping area which meets local needs.
OBJECTIVE 17 Provide for and enhance existing facilities and support initiatives to attract visitors and tourists to the town OBJECTIVE 20 Preserve the historic core of the town
i. Proposals for the redevelopment or refurbishment of the town centre will be strongly supported provided:
- They are consistent with a comprehensive re-generation plan for the whole town
- Building uses and layout have regard to the general design principles set out in Policy Three and are designed to provide positive enclosure and oversight of the public realm with active frontages which contribute to the vibrancy of the area
ii. Proposals being put forward need to be consistent with the guidance set out in Appendix (Shepton Mallet Neighbourhood Plan Design Guide)
iii. Development proposals that provide for the following will be supported:
- Clear pedestrian routes
- A greater range of shop units
- An attractive pedestrian environment
- Shopfront improvements
iv. Alternative town centre uses will be supported where it can be demonstrated with compelling evidence that they support the vitality of the town centre and are justified to ensure the viable re-development of the site.
Reasoned Justification for Policy Eleven
120 Significant improvements are needed to Shepton Mallet Town Centre to create the envisioned vibrant community space which provide a focus for cultural and social activities
121 Improvements will contribute to the success and ongoing resilience of the town Centre.
122 Shepton Mallet Town Council has recently published an ambitious Town Plan which sets out a vision for the Council in terms of strategy and investment.
123 In partnership with other organisations, the Town Council is making considerable investment into improving the Town Centre. In particular, there are schemes to:
• Improve the Market Place
• Improve signage and information boards
• Improve the street furniture
• Undertake a review of car parking and public car parks
• Maintain and improve the heritage assets of the community
• Promote and encourage tourism
124 This Policy is therefore intended to allow for development which achieves the aims of the Town Plan whilst maintaining the cultural heritage of Shepton Mallet by supporting uses that may be required to contribute to the redevelopment of areas identified in The Shepton Mallet Design Guide Appendix.
OBJECTIVE 18: Existing employment land should be retained, and new employment opportunities encouraged within the town to support the growing population
i. There will be a general presumption against the loss of locations that provide employment within the neighbourhood area, either as a result of proposals for a change of use or for the redevelopment of existing premises or sites of employment for non-employment use.
ii. Proposals for change of use or redevelopment, which would result in the loss of employment use, will only be acceptable if they demonstrate, with credible evidence, the following:
• The premises or site is no longer required for employment use in terms of need or demand, by the premises or site having been marketed for a period of not less than one year for employment use and no occupier has been found. Full details relating to the marketing must accompany any proposal;
• That the alternative use proposed will be a positive contribution to the sustainability of Shepton Mallet.
Reasoned Justification for Policy Twelve
125 A top priority for Mendip District Council as identified in the Local Plan Part 1, is to support business development and growth in the district.
126 The Mendip District Council SPD, “Marketing and Business Evidence to Support Planning Applications” is clear in it’s aim to maintain services in urban locations where facilities are important in creating a sense of community in the neighbourhood. Policy Thirteen builds on this by putting it into a local context within Shepton Mallet.
127 The sense of community in Shepton Mallet is strong, and this is enhanced by the local facilities which also serve the wider community outside of the Town Centre.
128 The projected growth in jobs for Shepton Mallet is 1,296 and the total additional floorspace required to meet this need is 15,950 sq m
129 The needs identified by the Shepton Mallet business community projects a requirement for an additional 1.4. ha of land to 2026
130 The development at Cannards Grave, the former Mid Somerset Showground will deliver the regeneration of 10ha of new employment land together with the proposed housing development.
131 A development brief has been agreed with Mendip District Council to promote business and the rural economy which suggest initially 450 jobs will be expected on this site, with 1500 in the longer term.
132 A site is also allocated on promoted land off Fosse Lane for employment use of 7.5 ha
133 This policy, to maintain the level of employment land available is therefore crucial to the development of the town and the potential level of employment.
OBJECTIVE 19 Protect existing employment premises from change of use or redevelopment where the existing businesses are of demonstrable benefit to the community
i. Within the Core Retail Area, Fig the loss of Class E uses (formerly A1, A3, A5), as a result of proposals for change of use or for redevelopment for non-retail use (C3), where prior approval is not given, will generally not be supported.
ii. Proposals for change of use or redevelopment which would result in the loss of Class E retail use will only be acceptable if they demonstrate the following:
- The premises or site is shown to be no longer required for retail use in terms of need or demand, by the premises or site having been marketed for a period of not less than one year for retail use and no occupier having been found. Full details relating to the marketing must accompany any proposal.
- That the alternative use proposed will be deliverable and make a positive contribution to the sustainability, vitality and viability of Shepton Mallet.
Reasoned Justification for Policy Thirteen
134 In September 2020, new Use Classes were introduced which has enabled a wider range of use changes within each of these classes. This means that generally, planning permission is not needed when the existing and proposed uses fall within the same Use Class, including E, F1 and F2. However, where there are limits on the size of the proposed change of use, there will be a requirement to apply for planning permission. Policy Fourteen is intended to apply in these circumstances.
135 Much of the daily activity revolves around the town centre and retail outlets. This is mainly due to the variety of retail outlets that provide a range of shopping needs. Currently the retail outlets are concentrated on Haskins Retail Park, Townsend Shopping Park and Kilver Court.
136 The Town Centre does not boast any of the usual chain stores, however it’s non-traditional, independent range of shops and cafes are key to the sense of history and charm enjoyed by the community.
![]() The High Street |
![]() The High Street |
137 The town centre has a number of cafes offering different experiences, upcycling and interior design shops, and independents which offer specialist products from sweets to vintage clothing.
138 These independent shops are recent additions to the town centre and made significant contributions to the revitalisation of the town centre
139 In order to maintain the activity in the town centre, it is considered essential to keep the diversity of retail outlets and not allow empty shops to be taken over as offices etc., without allowing time for them to be relet as a shop has already been proven.
140 The Town Council have plans to invest in enhancements to the town centre and it is therefore important to support this initiative by ensuring the town is a place where independent businesses can grow and thrive.
141 In addition, Mendip District Council Local Plan Policy DP17 is clear that its intention is to safeguard Community Facilities, and Policy Fourteen builds on this to create a local context.
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